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581 저널기사 Alginate composition of some New Zealand brown seaweeds 미리보기
Miller, I. J Pergamon Press 1996
582 저널기사 Algorithmic procedure to design water utilization systems featuring a single contaminant in process plants/ 미리보기
Savelski, Mariano J Pergamon Press 2001
583 저널기사 Algorithms for homotopy classification of binary images 미리보기
Bykov, A. I Pergamon Press 1980
584 저널기사 Alienation and Accountancy 미리보기
Cheans, A. B. Pergamon Press 1978
585 저널기사 Aligning BPR to strategy: A framework for analysis 미리보기
Kettinger, William J Pergamon Press 1998
586 저널기사 Alipathic Nitro-Compounds in Astragalus Canadensis 미리보기
Benn, M Pergamon Press 1995
587 저널기사 Aliphatic and aromatic glycosides from the cell cultures of Lycopersiconesculentum 미리보기
De Rosa, S Pergamon Press 1996
588 저널기사 Aliphatic polyurethane as a matrix for pH sensors: effects of native sites and added proton carrier on electrical and potentiometric properties 미리보기
Cosofret, V. V Pergamon Press 1980
589 저널기사 Aliphatic �D-glucosides from fruits of Carica pubescens 미리보기
Krajewski, D Pergamon Press 1997
590 저널기사 Alkali aluminosilicate-saturated aqueous fluids in the earth's upper mantle/ 미리보기
Mysen, Bjorn O Pergamon Press 2000
591 저널기사 Alkali and alkaline earth metal chloride complexes of triethanolamine: the structure of [Sr(TEA)~2]Cl~2 미리보기
Verkade, J. G. Young, V. G. Naiini, A. A. Pergamon Press 1993
592 저널기사 Alkali-extractable polysaccharides in marine sediments: Abundance, molecular size distribution, and monosaccharide composition/ 미리보기
Miyajima, Toshihiro Pergamon Press 2001
593 저널기사 Alkalinity requirements and the possibility of simultaneous heterotrophic denitrification during sulfur-utilizing autotrophic denitrification/ 미리보기
Kim, E-W Pergamon Press 2000
594 저널기사 Alkaloid content in Erythroxylum coca tissue during reproductive development 미리보기
Johnson, E. L Pergamon Press 1996
595 저널기사 Alkaloids and a pimarane diterpenoid from Strychnos vanprukii/ 미리보기
Thongphasuk, P Pergamon Press 2003
596 저널기사 Alkaloids and coumarins from esenbeckia species 미리보기
Oliveira, F. M Pergamon Press 1996
597 저널기사 Alkaloids and Coumarins From Ticorea Longiflora 미리보기
Toro, M. J. U Pergamon Press 1997
598 저널기사 Alkaloids and other compounds from seeds of Tabernaemontana cymosa 미리보기
Achenbach, H Pergamon Press 1997
599 저널기사 Alkaloids Cassytha Filiformis 미리보기
Wu, Y.-C Pergamon Press 1997
600 저널기사 Alkaloids from Alstonia scholaris 미리보기
Kam, T.-S Pergamon Press 1997
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