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881 저널기사 Analysis of a high-concentration copper in metal alloys by emission spectroscopy of a laser-produced plasma in air at atmospheric pressure/ 미리보기
Kuzuya, M Pergamon Press 2000
882 저널기사 Analysis of a hydrodesulfurization process 2. The reactions of 2- and 3-methylthiophenes with tris(triethylphosphine) platinum(0) 미리보기
Capella, S. Chehata, A. Garcia, J. J. Arevalo, A. Pergamon Press 1993
883 저널기사 Analysis of a rotating multi-layer annular plate modeled via layerwise zig-zag theory: free vibration and transient analysis 미리보기
Lee, D Pergamon Press 1998
884 저널기사 Analysis of autocatalytic reactions with Michaelis-Menten kinetics in anisothermal continuous stirred tank reactor 미리보기
Kumar, J Pergamon Press 1980
885 저널기사 Analysis of a variable time-step discretization for the Penrose-Fife phase relaxation problem/ 미리보기
Stefanelli, Ulisse Pergamon Press 2001
P�ry, A R R Pergamon Press 2001
887 저널기사 Analysis of Ca in BaCl2 matrix using laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy/ 미리보기
Rinaldi, C A Pergamon Press 2001
888 저널기사 Analysis of copper and calcium-fulvic acid complexation and competition effects/ 미리보기
Iglesias, A Pergamon Press 2003
889 저널기사 Analysis of decision boundaries in linearly combined neural classifiers 미리보기
Tumer, K Pergamon Press 1980
890 저널기사 Analysis of deformation textures of asymmetrically rolled steel sheets/ 미리보기
Lee, Sang Heon Pergamon Press 2001
891 저널기사 Analysis of distributions of gas and TiO2 particles in slurry bubble column using ultrasonic computed tomography/ 미리보기
Utomo, M B Pergamon Press 2001
892 저널기사 Analysis of dose distribution in multiple-target gamma knife radiosurgery/ 미리보기
Fuss, Martin Pergamon Press 2001
893 저널기사 Analysis of EDTA and DTPA 미리보기
Sillanpaeae, M Pergamon Press 1980
894 저널기사 Analysis of energy flow in thick plate structures 미리보기
Bercin, A. N Pergamon Press 1997
895 저널기사 Analysis of engine vibration and design of an applicable diagnosing approach/ 미리보기
Geng, Z Pergamon Press 2003
896 저널기사 Analysis of environmental lead contamination: comparison of LIBS field and laboratory instruments/ 미리보기
Wainner, R T Pergamon Press 2001
897 저널기사 Analysis of experimental factors in elastic-plastic small specimen mixed-mode I-II fracture mechanical testing/ 미리보기
Laukkanen, A Pergamon Press 2001
898 저널기사 Analysis of flow and heat transfer in a regenerator mesh using a non-Darcy thermally non-equilibrium model/ 미리보기
Muralidhar, K Pergamon Press 2001
899 저널기사 Analysis of flow and heat transfer in twin-roll strip casting process 미리보기
Chang, J.-G Pergamon Press 1980
900 저널기사 Analysis of flow and stresses in a tube stretch-reducing hot rolling schedule/ 미리보기
Bayoumi, L. S Pergamon Press 2003
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