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1001 저널기사 Analytical model for the thermal conductivity of a binary bed of packed spheroids in the presence of a static gas, with no adjustable parameters provided contact conductance is negligible/ 미리보기
Slavin, A. J Pergamon Press 2004
1002 저널기사 Analytical properties of 5,5-dimetyl 1,3-cyclohexanedione dithiosemicarbazone monohydrochloride; spectrophotometric determination of chromium(VI)in alloy steels and industrial effluents 미리보기
Devaragudi, C. S Pergamon Press 1980
1003 저널기사 Analytical solution for a population balance equation with aggregation and fragmentation/ 미리보기
J. McCoy, B Pergamon Press 2003
1004 저널기사 Analytical solution for the linear ideal model of simulated moving bed chromatography 미리보기
Zhong, G Pergamon Press 1980
1005 저널기사 Analytical solution for ZLC desorption curves with bi-porous adsorbent particles 미리보기
Brandani, S Pergamon Press 1980
1006 저널기사 Analytical solution of the diffusion equation for an extended source of infinite extent at constant temperature gradient 미리보기
Rudakov, V. I Pergamon Press 1980
1007 저널기사 Analytical solution of the Euler-Lagrange equation in an optimization problem for a batch reactor with deactivating catalyst/ 미리보기
Grubecki, Ireneusz Pergamon Press 2001
1008 저널기사 Analytical solutions for buckling of multi-step non-uniform columns with arbitrary distribution of flexural stiffness or axial distributed loading/ 미리보기
Li, Q S Pergamon Press 2001
1009 저널기사 Analytical solution to a model for the startup period of fixed-bed reactors 미리보기
Zheng, Y Pergamon Press 1980
1010 저널기사 Analytical solution to mass transfer in laminar flow in hollow fiber with heterogeneous chemical reaction 미리보기
Loney, N. W Pergamon Press 1980
1011 저널기사 Analytical water quality model for a sinusoidally varying bod discharge concentration 미리보기
Alshawabkeh, A Pergamon Press 1980
1012 저널기사 Analytic integration of kernel shape function product integrals in the boundary element method/ 미리보기
Padhi, G S Pergamon Press 2001
1013 저널기사 Analytic model for transient heat exchanger response/ 미리보기
Yin, J Pergamon Press 2003
1014 저널기사 Analytic sensitivities and design oriented structural analysis for airplane fuselage shape synthesis 미리보기
Langelaan, J. W Pergamon Press 1997
1015 저널기사 Analytics of the Institutions of Informal Cooperation in Rural Development 미리보기
Bardhan, P. PERGAMON PRESS 1993
1016 저널기사 Analyzing bankruptcy in the restaurant industry: A multiple discriminant model 미리보기
1017 저널기사 Analyzing buckling mode interactions in elastic structures using an asymptotic approach; theory and experiments 미리보기
Menken, C. M Pergamon Press 1997
1018 저널기사 Analyzing individual presolar grains with CHARISMA/ 미리보기
Savina, M. R Pergamon Press 2003
1019 저널기사 Analyzing the hydrocyanation reaction: chiral HPLC and the synthesis of racemic cyanohydrins/ 미리보기
Jan Gerrits, Pieter Pergamon Press 2001
1020 저널기사 Analyzing the impact of AZT on the progression of HIV infection: Proportional or constant delay 미리보기
Salzberg, Allan M Pergamon Press 1997
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