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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
1021 저널기사 An Amide from fruits of Piper nigrum 미리보기
Siddiqui, B. S Pergamon Press 1997
1022 저널기사 An ammonia equivalent for the palladium-catalyzed amination of aryl halides and triflates 미리보기
Wolfe, J. P Pergamon Press 1980
1023 저널기사 An analysis of experience effects on audit committee members' oversight judgments 미리보기
Dezoort, F. T Pergamon Press 1980
1024 저널기사 An analysis of facial nerve function in irradiated and unirradiated facial nerve grafts/ 미리보기
Brown, Paul D Pergamon Press 2000
1025 저널기사 An Analysis of Free Undamped Vibration of Beams of Varying Cross-Section 미리보기
Datta, A. K Pergamon Press 1996
1026 저널기사 An analysis of hexagonal thinning algorithms and skeletal shape representation 미리보기
Staunton, R. C Pergamon Press 1980
1027 저널기사 An Analysis of Leadership Patterns in the Finance Function 미리보기
McKenna, E. F. Pergamon Press 1980
1028 저널기사 An analysis of mass transfer and kinetics during ethylene oligomerization over nickel/sulfated alumina catalyst in a slurry reactor 미리보기
Zhang, Q Pergamon Press 1980
1029 저널기사 An Analysis of Mean Stress in Multiaxial Random Fatigue 미리보기
Brown, M. W Pergamon Press 1980
1030 저널기사 An analysis of the effects of smoking and other cardiovascular risk factors on obliteration rates after arteriovenous malformation radiosurgery/ 미리보기
Bhatnagar, Ajay Pergamon Press 2001
1031 저널기사 An analysis of the impact of pathology review in gynecologic cancer/ 미리보기
Chafe, Susan Pergamon Press 2000
1032 저널기사 An analysis of the research contributions of Accounting, Organizations and Society, 1976-1984 미리보기
Brown, L. D.;Gardner, J. C.;Vasarhelyi, M. A. Pergamon Press 1987
1033 저널기사 An analytical chemist of verve: George-Emil Baiulescu 미리보기
Thomas, J. D. R Pergamon Press 1980
1034 저널기사 An analytical evaluation of the response of steel joints under bending and axial force/ 미리보기
Simoes da Silva, L Pergamon Press 2001
1035 저널기사 An analytical-experimental comparative study of vibration analysis for loaded beams with variable boundary conditions 미리보기
Low, K. H Pergamon Press 1997
1036 저널기사 An analytical model for near-saturated pool boiling critical heat flux on vertical surfaces 미리보기
Mudawar, I Pergamon Press 1980
1037 저널기사 An analytical model for the analysis of composite beams with partial interaction 미리보기
Oven, V. A Pergamon Press 1997
1038 저널기사 An analytical model of the dynamic lift experienced by a bubble moving off-angle to an inviscid flow field with vorticity/ 미리보기
Schrage, Dean S Pergamon Press 2001
1039 저널기사 An analytical solution of mass diffusion in a long cylindrical microporous adsorbent with fluid film heat and mass transfer resistances/ 미리보기
San, Jung-Yang Pergamon Press 2001
1040 저널기사 An analytical solution to continuous population balance model describingfloc coalescence and breakage - a special case 미리보기
Patil, D. P Pergamon Press 1980
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