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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
81 저널기사 Appropriate assumption on cross-hauling national input–output table regionalization 미리보기
Fujimoto, Takashi Routledge 2019
82 저널기사 Aquinas and Modern Science. A New Synthesis of Faith & Reason 미리보기
Tabaczek, Mariusz Routledge 2018
83 저널기사 Aquinas on the divine ideas as exemplar causes, by Gregory T. Doolan 미리보기
Tabaczek, Mariusz Routledge 2016
84 저널기사 Are high-performance work practices related to individually perceived stress? A job demands-resources perspective 미리보기
Topcic, Mihaela; Baum, Matthias; Kabst, Rüdiger Routledge 2016
85 저널기사 Are MNCs norm entrepreneurs or followers? The changing relationship between host country institutions and MNC HRM practices 미리보기
Brookes, Michael; Brewster, Chris; Wood, Geoffrey Routledge 2017
86 저널기사 Are new work practices applied together with ICT and AMT? 미리보기
Bayo-Moriones, Alberto; Billon, Margarita; Lera-López, Fernando Routledge 2017
87 저널기사 Are Scientific Research Programmes Applicable to Theology? On Philip Hefner’s Use of Lakatos 미리보기
Lorrimar, Victoria Routledge 2017
88 저널기사 Are workers with disabilities more likely to be displaced? 미리보기
Mitra, Sophie; Kruse, Douglas Routledge 2016
89 단행본 Arguing about law 미리보기
법학도서관 대출가능 열기
edited by Aileen Kavanagh and John Oberdiek Routledge 2009
90 저널기사 Aristotelian Complement to the Metaphysics of Incompleteness: Philosophical and Theological Reflections on Deacon and Cashman's Project 미리보기
Tabaczek, Mariusz Routledge 2016
91 단행본 Asian yearbook of international law.Vol.14(2008) 미리보기
법학도서관 대출가능 열기
edited by B. S. Chimni, Miyoshi Masahiro, Li-ann Thio Routledge 2011
92 저널기사 Ask the Beasts: Darwin and the God of Love, Elizabeth Johnson 미리보기
Case-Winters, Anna Routledge 2016
93 저널기사 Assessing cross-cultural skills: validation of a new measure of cross-cultural psychological capital 미리보기
Dollwet, M.; Reichard, R. Routledge 2014
94 저널기사 Assessing ethical behaviours in the Spanish banking and insurance industries: evidence and challenges 미리보기
Ruiz-Palomino, P.; Martinez-Ruiz, M.P.; Martinez-Canas, R. Routledge 2013
95 저널기사 Assessing ethical behaviours in the Spanish banking and insurance industries: evidence and challenges 미리보기
Ruiz-Palomino, P.; Martinez-Ruiz, M.P.; Martinez-Canas, R. Routledge 2013
96 저널기사 Assessing Ian G. Barbour’s Contributions to Theology and Science 미리보기
Russell, Robert John Routledge 2017
97 저널기사 Associations between workers' health, and non-standard hours and insecurity: the case of home care workers in Ontario, Canada 미리보기
Zeytinoglu, Isik U.; Denton, Margaret; Plenderleith, Jennifer; Chowhan, James Routledge 2015
98 저널기사 Astrotheology and Spaceflight: Prophecy, Transcendence and Salvation on the High Frontier 미리보기
Harrison, A.A. Routledge 2014
99 저널기사 Astrotheology, Astroethics, and the New Challenges 미리보기
Arnould, Jacques Routledge 2018
100 저널기사 Astrotheology: Science and Theology Meet ET 미리보기
Peters, Ted Routledge 2018
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