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1 저널기사 "AB~2 + AC~2" approach to hyperbranched polymers with a high degree of branching 미리보기
Bo, Z Royal Society of Chemistry 2003
2 저널기사 Ability of terephthalate (ta) to mediate exchange coupling in ta-bridgedcopper(II), nickel(II), cobalt(II) and manganese(II) dinuclear complexes 미리보기
Cano, J Royal Society of Chemistry 1980
3 저널기사 Ab initio and DFT computer studies of complexes of quaternary nitrogen cations: trimethylammonium, tetramethylammonium, trimethylethylammonium, choline and acetylcholine with hydroxide, fluoride and chloride anions/ 미리보기
Davies, A. S Royal Society of Chemistry 2003
4 저널기사 Ab initio and hybrid density functional theory studies of the forward and reverse barriers for the C~2H~4 + H -> C~2H~5 reaction 미리보기
Jursic, B. S Royal Society of Chemistry 1980
5 저널기사 Ab initio and hybrid DFT study on the electronic states of fluorenone-Na complexes/ 미리보기
Kawabata, H Royal Society of Chemistry 2003
6 저널기사 Ab initio and kinetic calculations for the reactions of H with SiH(4-n)Fn (n=1-3 미리보기
Zhang Royal Society of Chemistry 2001
7 저널기사 Ab initio calculations for the 2s and 2p core level binding energies of atomic Zn, Zn metal, and Zn containing molecules/ 미리보기
Rossler, N Royal Society of Chemistry 2003
8 저널기사 Ab initio calculations on the reaction mechanism for the radical reaction CH3+ClO/ 미리보기
Zhou Royal Society of Chemistry 2001
9 저널기사 Ab initio, DFT and transition state theory calculations on 1,2-HF, HCI and CIF elimination reactions from CH~2F-CH~2Cl/ 미리보기
Rajakumar, B Royal Society of Chemistry 2003
10 저널기사 Ab initio predictions of ferroelectric ternary fluorides with the LiNbO~3 structure/ 미리보기
Claeyssens, F Royal Society of Chemistry 2003
11 저널기사 Ab initio quantum mechanical gas phase and reaction field solvation study on the proton abstraction from hydroxyacetaldehyde by formate: implications for enzyme catalysis 미리보기
Peraekylae, M Royal Society of Chemistry 1980
12 저널기사 Ab initio structure determination of a peptide b-turn from powder X-ray diffraction data/ 미리보기
Tedesco Royal Society of Chemistry 2001
13 저널기사 Ab initio structure determination of BiPb2VO6 from powder diffraction data/ 미리보기
Evans Royal Society of Chemistry 2001
14 저널기사 Ab initio structure solution of a novel aluminium methylphosphonate fromlaboratory X-ray powder diffraction data 미리보기
Sawers, L.-J Royal Society of Chemistry 1980
15 저널기사 Ab initio studies of transition-metal compounds: the nature of the chemical bond to a transition metal 미리보기
Frenking, G Royal Society of Chemistry 1980
16 저널기사 Ab initio studies on organophosphorus compounds. Part 4. Intramolecular hydrogen bonding and water interactions of bisphosphonates 미리보기
Raesaenen, J. P Royal Society of Chemistry 1980
17 저널기사 Ab initio study of Cd-thiol complexes: application to the modelling of the metallothionein active site/ 미리보기
Enescu, M Royal Society of Chemistry 2003
18 저널기사 Ab initio study of (H~2O)~1~,~2·HCl: accurate energetic and frequency shift of HCl/ 미리보기
Alikhani, M. E Royal Society of Chemistry 2003
19 저널기사 Ab initio study of oxygen atom transfer from hydrogen peroxide to trimethylamine 미리보기
Ottolina Royal Society of Chemistry 2001
20 저널기사 Ab initio theoretical investigation of the mechanism for �lactone formation from �halocarboxylates: leaving group, substituent, solvent and isotope effects 미리보기
Rodriquez, C. F Royal Society of Chemistry 1980
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