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481 저널기사 Avi-Yonah Finds Fault With U.S. International Reform Report 미리보기
unknown Tax Analysts 2015
482 저널기사 Avoiding and Resolving Tax Disputes in India 미리보기
Owens, J. Tax Analysts 2014
483 저널기사 Avoidy! A Dip Into the Proposed GILTI Rules 미리보기
Sheppard, Lee A. Tax Analysts 2018
484 저널기사 The Accidental Inversion Myth: Much Ado About Nothing? 미리보기
Grisales-Racini, Oscar Tax Analysts 2016
485 저널기사 The Aftermath of the Yahoo Spin 미리보기
Herzfeld, M. Tax Analysts 2015
486 저널기사 The All-Purpose U.K. Anti-Hybrid Rules 미리보기
Sheppard, Lee A. Tax Analysts 2017
487 저널기사 The Altera Boat Has Drifted Free 미리보기
unknown Tax Analysts 2018
488 저널기사 The Ambitions Behind Europe's Digital Tax Campaign 미리보기
Sarfo, Nana Ama Tax Analysts 2017
489 저널기사 The Angolan Tax Reform Project: Lessons for Effective Transformation in Emerging Markets 미리보기
Luther, Gilberto; Nascimento, Rui Dinis; Ramos, Isaque Marcos Tax Analysts 2017
490 저널기사 The Anson Decision - Transparency And Opacity 미리보기
Johnson, Trevor Tax Analysts 2015
491 저널기사 The Anti-Hybrid Rules of the New Dividends Received Deduction 미리보기
Wallace, Derek E. Tax Analysts 2018
492 저널기사 The Apple Decision: Lessons for Taxpayers 미리보기
Herzfeld, Mindy Tax Analysts 2017
493 저널기사 The Apple State Aid Case: Who Has a Dog in the Fight? 미리보기
Fleming, J. Clifton Tax Analysts 2017
494 저널기사 The Apple State Aid Decision: A Wrong Way to Enforce the Benefits Principle? 미리보기
Avi-Yonah, Reuven S.; Mazzoni, Gianluca Tax Analysts 2016
495 저널기사 The Application of Minilateralism to International Tax Policy 미리보기
Zagaris, B. Tax Analysts 2014
496 저널기사 The Application of TFEU Articles 116 And 117 in EU Taxation 미리보기
Dafnomilis, Vasileios I. Tax Analysts 2015
497 저널기사 The Arm's-Length Standard as a `Special Measure' Under BEPS 미리보기
Lebowitz, B. Tax Analysts 2015
498 저널기사 The Arm's-Length Standard: It's the Law 미리보기
Forst, D.L. Tax Analysts 2013
499 저널기사 The Autumn Statement: What's the Point? 미리보기
Johnson, T. Tax Analysts 2013
500 저널기사 The Autumn Statement — Incorporation Is the New Tax Avoidance 미리보기
Johnson, Trevor Tax Analysts 2017
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