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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
221 저널기사 Application of the Pseudospectral Method to Thermodynamic Lubrication 미리보기
Schumack, M. R Wiley 1980
222 저널기사 Application of TQM Principles in the International Technology Transfer Process of Industrial Production Plants: A Conceptual Framework 미리보기
Quazi, H. A. WILEY 1998
223 저널기사 Applications of an Azide Sulfonyl Silane as Elastomer Crosslinking and Coupling Agent 미리보기
Gonzalaz, L Wiley 1997
224 저널기사 Applications of Phase Transfer Technique to the Study and Development of Natural Rubber Published online 14 September 2000/ 미리보기
Tangboriboonrat, P Wiley 2000
225 저널기사 Applications of Polymeric Photorefractive Material to Reversible Data Storage and Information Processing/ 미리보기
Chun, H Wiley 2003
226 저널기사 Applied Cointegration Analysis in the Mirror of Macroeconomic Theory 미리보기
Soederlind, P. WILEY 1996
227 저널기사 Approaches to Branched Polystyrene Using Bulk Free-Radical Polymerization 미리보기
Tinetti, S. M Wiley 1997
228 저널기사 Approximate Analytical Solutions for Diffusion Problems in Unbounded Media and their Application in Infinite Elements 미리보기
Li, Y. C. WILEY 1996
229 저널기사 Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian Multicomponent Compressible Flow with Fluid-Structure Interaction 미리보기
Soria, A Wiley 1980
230 저널기사 Are Absolute Frequencies, Relative Frequencies, or Both Effective in Reducing Cognitive Biases? 미리보기
Harries, C. WILEY 2000
231 저널기사 Are Differences in Firm Size Transitory or Permanent? 미리보기
Geroski, P. A.; Lazarova, S.; Urga, G.; Walters, C. F. WILEY 2003
232 저널기사 Are Financial Spreads Useful Indicators of Future Inflation and Output Growth in EU Countries? 미리보기
Davis, E. P. WILEY 1997
233 저널기사 Are Non-governmental Organizations Working in Development a Transnational Community? 미리보기
Townsend, J. G. Wiley 1998
234 저널기사 Are Preference Reversals Reduced When Made Explicit? 미리보기
Ordo?z, L. D. WILEY 1995
235 저널기사 Are the DAC Targets Achievable? Poverty and Human Development in the Year 2015 미리보기
Hanmer, L.; De Jong, N.; Kurian, R.; Mooij, J. Wiley 1998
236 저널기사 Arguments in the Practical Reasoning Underlying Constructed Probability Responses 미리보기
Curley, S. P. WILEY 1995
237 저널기사 Aris Spanos. Probability Theory and Statistical Inference: Econometric Modelling with Observational Data 미리보기
McCullough, B. WILEY 2002
238 저널기사 ARMA models and the Box-Jenkins methodology 미리보기
Makridakis, Spyros Wiley 1997
239 저널기사 Aromatic Polyesters via Transesterification of Dimethylterephthalate/Isophthalate with Bisphenol-A 미리보기
Mahajan, S. S Wiley 1996
240 저널기사 Artificial Boundaries and Flux and Pressure Conditions for the Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equations 미리보기
Heywood, J. G Wiley 1980
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