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81 저널기사 Alkali Decomposition of Poly(ethylene terephthalate) with Sodium Hydroxide in Nonaqueous Ethylene Glycol: A Study on Recycling of Terephthalic Acid and Ethylene Glycol 미리보기
Oku, A Wiley 1997
82 저널기사 Alkaline Depolymerization of Poly (trimethylene terephthalate) Published online 18 July 2001/ 미리보기
Kim, J H Wiley 2001
83 저널기사 Allocation of Individuals to Job Levels Under Rationing 미리보기
Hartog, J. WILEY 1994
84 저널기사 All-Solid-State Complementary Electrochromic Windows Based on the Oxymethylene-Linked Polyoxyethylene Complexed with LiCIO~4 미리보기
Cui, M.-H Wiley 1997
85 저널기사 Alternating Copolymers as Compatibilizer for Blends of Poly(ethylene terephthalate) and Polystyrene - Published online 6 October 2000/ 미리보기
Jang, L W Wiley 2000
86 저널기사 Alternative functional forms for production, cost 미리보기
Zellner, Arnold Wiley 1998
87 저널기사 Alternative Functional Forms for Production, Cost and Returns to Scale Functions 미리보기
Zellner, A. WILEY 1998
88 저널기사 Alternative Procedures for Converting Qualitative Response Data to Quantitative Expectations: An Application to Australian Manufacturing 미리보기
Smith, J. WILEY 1995
89 전자저널 Alternatives to the High Cost of Litigation 미리보기
Wiley 1983 URL
90 저널기사 Alumina-Based Water-Dispersible Conducting Nanocomposites of Polypyrrole and Polypyrrole with Poly(N-vinylcarbazole)/ 미리보기
Maity, A Wiley 2003
91 저널기사 Ambiguity Seeking in Multi-Attribute Decisions: Effects of Optimism and Message Framing 미리보기
Bier, V. M. WILEY 1994
92 저널기사 Ambiguous Probabilities: When Does p = 0.3 Reflect a Possibility, and When Does It Express a Doubt? 미리보기
Teigen, K. H. WILEY 2000
93 저널기사 Ambivalence In (Not About) Naturalistic Decision Making 미리보기
Klayman, J. WILEY 2001
94 저널기사 Amine-Terminated Oligoimides for Epoxy Curing 미리보기
Patel, H. S Wiley 1996
95 저널기사 Amine-Terminated Polysulfone as Modifier for Epoxy Resin 미리보기
Ratna, D Wiley 1997
96 저널기사 Aminolysis of Poly(ethylene terephthalate) in Aqueous Amine and Amine Vapor 미리보기
Holmes, S. A Wiley 1996
97 저널기사 Aminosilane Grafting of Plasticized Poly(vinyl chloride) I. Extent and Rate of Crosslinking 미리보기
Rodriguez-Fernandez, O. S Wiley 1997
98 저널기사 Aminosilane Grafting of Plasticized Poly(vinyl chloride) II. Grafting and Crosslinking Reactions 미리보기
Rodriguez-Fernandez, O. S Wiley 1997
99 저널기사 Amorphous Phenolphthalein-Based Poly (arylene ether)-Modified Cyanate Ester Networks: Effect of Thermal Cure Cycle on Morphology and Toughenability 미리보기
Srinivasan, S. A Wiley 1997
100 저널기사 Amorphous Phenolphthalein-Based Poly (arylene ether)-Modified Cyanate Ester Networks: Microwave Processing 미리보기
Srinivasan, S. A Wiley 1997
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