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41 저널기사 Are WTO Members Correctly Applying WTO Rules in Safeguard Determinations? 미리보기
Stevenson, C. Werner Pub. 2004
42 저널기사 Article XX of GATT and the Problem of Extraterritorial Jurisdiction The Case of Trade Measures for the Protection of Human Rights 미리보기
Bartels, L. Werner Pub. 2002
43 저널기사 Assessing the General Agreement on Trade in Services 미리보기
Sauve, Pierre Werner Pub 1995
44 저널기사 Authentication and Recognition Issues in Cross-Border Single Window 미리보기
Shah, H.; Srivastava, A. Werner Pub 2013
45 저널기사 The Accession of Vanuatu to the WTO; Lessons for the Multilateral Trading System 미리보기
Grynberg, Roman Werner Pub 2000
46 저널기사 The African Awakening in United States-Upland Cotton 미리보기
Zunckel, H. E. Werner Pub. 2005
47 저널기사 The Agreement on Safeguards Proposals for Change in the Light of the EC Steel Safeguards 미리보기
Messerlin, P. A.; Fridh, H. Werner Pub. 2006
48 저널기사 The Appellate Body Approach to the Applicability of Article XX GATT In the Light of China - Raw Materials: A Missed Opportunity? 미리보기
Espa, I. Werner Pub 2012
49 저널기사 The Appellate Body's Communication on Amicus Curiae Briefs in the Asbestos Case-An Echternach Procession? 미리보기
Zonnekeyn, G. A. Werner Pub. 2001
50 저널기사 The Appellate Body, the Protection of Sea Turtles and the Technique of `Completing the Analysis.' 미리보기
Cone III, Sydney M Werner Pub 1999
51 저널기사 The application of the GATT/WTO dispute resolution system to competition issues 미리보기
Mavroidis, Petros C Werner Pub 1997
52 저널기사 The Association of South East Asian Nations - Peoples Republic of China Free Trade Area Negotiating Beyond Eternity With Little Trade Liberalization? 미리보기
Inama, S. Werner Pub. 2005
53 저널기사 The attractiveness of countries to foreign direct investment 미리보기
Jackson, Sharon Werner Pub 1995
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