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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
61 저널기사 Adsorption of a Single Polymer Chain on a Surface: A Molecular Dynamics Simulation Study Published online 28 August 2001/ 미리보기
Michel, A Wiley 2001
62 저널기사 Adsorption of Bovine Serum Albumin onto Glass Powder Surfaces Coated with Polyvinyl Alcohol/ 미리보기
Bajpai, A K Wiley 2000
63 저널기사 Adsorption of Casein onto Alkali Treated Bentonite Published online 18 September 2000/ 미리보기
Bajpai, A K Wiley 2000
64 단행본 Advanced systems development management 미리보기
전체 열기 | 중앙도서관 대출가능 열기 | 법학도서관 대출가능 열기
John de S. Coutinho Wiley 1977
65 연속간행물 Advances in electrochemistry and electrochemical engineering 미리보기
중앙도서관 대출가능 열기
Gerischer, Heinz Tobias, Chares W Wiley 1961-1984
66 저널기사 Advection-Diffusion Processes and Residence Times in Semienclosed MarineBasins 미리보기
Buffoni, G Wiley 1980
67 저널기사 AFM and UFM Surface Characterization of Rubber-Toughened Poly(methyl methacrylate) Samples Published online 1 October 2001/ 미리보기
Porfyrakis, K Wiley 2001
68 저널기사 Age and Probabilistic Reasoning: Biases in Conjunctive, Disjunctive and Bayesian Judgements in Early and Late Adulthood 미리보기
Fisk, J. E. WILEY 2005
69 저널기사 Agglomeration and Electrical Percolation Behavior of Carbon Black Dispersed in Epoxy Resin 미리보기
Schueler, R Wiley 1997
70 저널기사 Aggregate vs. Disaggregate Data Analysis - A Paradox in the Estimation of a Money Demand Function of Japan Under the Low Interest Rate Policy 미리보기
Hsiao, C.; Shen, Y.; Fujiki, H. WILEY 2005
71 저널기사 Aggregation and Disaggregation of Aeromonas Gum in an Aqueous Solution under Different Conditions Published online 1 September 2000/ 미리보기
Xu, X Wiley 2000
72 저널기사 Aggregation Structure and Mechanical Properties of Functionally Graded Polyurethane Elastomers/ 미리보기
Furukawa, M Wiley 2003
73 저널기사 Aging and Decision-Making Competence: An Analysis of Comprehension and Consistency Skills in Older versus Younger Adults Considering Health-Plan Options 미리보기
Finucane, M. L.; Slovic, P.; Hibbard, J. H.; Peters, E.; Mertz, C. K.; MacGregor, D. G. WILEY 2002
74 저널기사 Aid Policy in Transition: A Preliminary Analysis of `Post'-Conflict Rehabilitation of the Health Sector 미리보기
Macrae, J.;Zwi, A.;Forsythe, V. Wiley 1995
75 단행본 AI for lawyers : how artificial intelligence is adding value, amplifying expertise, and transforming careers 미리보기
법학도서관 대출가능 열기
Noah Waisberg and Dr. Alexander Hudek Wiley 2021
76 저널기사 Airbag Fabric Material Modeling of Nylon and Polyester Fabrics Using a Very Simple Neural Network Architecture 미리보기
Keshavaraj, R Wiley 1996
77 저널기사 Alcohol Abuse and Employment: A Second Look 미리보기
Terza, J. V. WILEY 2002
78 저널기사 Alcohol Recovery with Pervaporation: Effect of High 2-Butanol Concentration Published online 9 October 2001/ 미리보기
Shaban, H I Wiley 2001
79 저널기사 Algeria's Challenge: Democracy Versus Terrorism 미리보기
Lamamra, R. WILEY 1998
80 저널기사 Alignment of Nematic Liquid Crystals on Photo-Irradiated Polyamide-ImideSurfaces 미리보기
Rich, D. C Wiley 1997
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