181 |
Advances in Brief - Inactivation of Retinoblastoma Protein in Uveal Melanoma by Phosphorylation of Sites in the COOH-Terminal Region/
Brantley Jr, Milam A
Williams and Wilkins
182 |
Advances in Brief - Inactivation of the 14-3-3 s Gene Is Associated with 5' CpG Island Hypermethylation in Human Cancers/
Suzuki, Hiromu
Williams and Wilkins
183 |
Advances in Brief - Incomplete Cytokinesis and Induction of Apoptosis by Overexpression of the Mammalian Polo-Like Kinase, Plk3./
Conn, Christopher W
Williams and Wilkins
184 |
Advances in Brief - Increased Expression of H/T-Cadherin in Tumor-penetrating Blood Vessels/
Wyder, Lorenza
Williams and Wilkins
185 |
Advances in Brief - Induction of bcl-xL Expression in Mammary Epithelial Cells Is Glucocorticoid-dependent but not Signal Transducer and Activator of Transcription 5-dependent./
Schorr, Kristel
Williams and Wilkins
186 |
Advances in Brief - Inhibition of Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Tyrosine Kinase Fails to Suppress Adenoma Formation in ApcMin Mice but Induces Duodenal Injury/
Ritland, Steve R
Williams and Wilkins
187 |
Advances in Brief - Inhibition of Glioma Anglogenesis and Growth in Vivo by Systemic Treatment with a Monoclonal Antibody against Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Receptor-2./
Kunkel, Philip
Williams and Wilkins
188 |
Advances in Brief - Inhibition of Tumor Angiogenesis by a Single-chain Antibody Directed against Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor/
Vitaliti, Alessandra
Williams and Wilkins
189 |
Advances in Brief - In Situ Expression of Interleukin-4 (IL-4) Receptors in Human Brain Tumors and Cytotoxicity of a Recombinant IL-4 Cytotoxin in Primary Glioblastoma Cell Cultures./
Joshi, Bharat H
Williams and Wilkins
190 |
Advances in Brief - Instabilotyping: Comprehensive Identification of Frameshift Mutations Caused by Coding Region Microsatellite Instability./
Mori, Yuriko
Williams and Wilkins
191 |
Advances in Brief - In Vitro Sensitivity of T-Cell Lymphoblastic Leukemia to UCN-01 (7-Hydroxystaurosporine) Is Dependent on p16 Protein Status: A Pediatric Oncology Group Study./
Omura-Minamisawa, Motoko
Williams and Wilkins
192 |
Advances in Brief - In Vivo Intracellular Signaling as a Marker of Antiangiogenic Activity./
Solorzano, Carmen C
Williams and Wilkins
193 |
Advances in Brief - Involvement of Deregulated Epiregulin Expression in Tumorigenesis in Vivo through Activated Ki-Ras Signaling Pathway in Human Colon Cancer Cells./
Baba, Iwai
Williams and Wilkins
194 |
Advances in Brief - Isolation and Mapping of a Human Septin Gene to a Region on Chromosome 17q, Commonly Deleted in Sporadic Epithelial Ovarian Tumors/
Russell, S E Hilary
Williams and Wilkins
195 |
Advances in Brief - Isolation of a Peptide for Targeted Drug Delivery into Human Head and Neck Solid Tumors./
Hong, Frank D
Williams and Wilkins
196 |
Advances in Brief - KIT Activation Is a Ubiquitous Feature of Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors./
Rubin, Brian P
Williams and Wilkins
197 |
Advances in Brief - Large-Scale Serial Analysis of Gene Expression Reveals Genes Differentially Expressed in Ovarian Cancer./
Hough, Colleen D
Williams and Wilkins
198 |
Advances in Brief - Loss of Annexin 1 Correlates with Early Onset of Tumorigenesis in Esophageal and Prostate Carcinoma./
Paweletz, Cloud P
Williams and Wilkins
199 |
Advances in Brief - Loss of Annexin II Heavy and Light Chains in Prostate Cancer and Its Precursors./
Chetcuti, Albert
Williams and Wilkins
200 |
Advances in Brief - Loss of Caspase-8 Expression in Highly Malignant Human Neuroblastoma Cells Correlates with Resistance to Tumor Necrosis Factor-related Apoptosis-inducing Ligand-induced Apoptosis/
Hopkins-Donaldson, Sally
Williams and Wilkins