201 |
Advances in Brief - Loss of Expression of the Metastasis Suppressor Gene KiSS1 during Melanoma Progression and Its Association with LOH of Chromosome 6q16.3-q23./
Shirasaki, Fumiaki
Williams and Wilkins
202 |
Advances in Brief - Loss of Focal Adhesion Kinase (FAK) Inhibits Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor-dependent Migration and Induces Aggregation of NH2-Terminal FAK in the Nuclei of Apoptotic Glioblastoma Cells./
Jones, Graham
Williams and Wilkins
203 |
Advances in Brief - Loss of Heterozygosity of the Putative Prostate Cancer Susceptibility Gene HPC2/ELAC2 Is Uncommon in Sporadic and Familial Prostate Cancer./
Wu, Yu-Qun
Williams and Wilkins
204 |
Advances in Brief - Loss of Imprinting of Insulin-like Growth Factor-II in Wilms' Tumor Commonly Involves Altered Methylation but not Mutations of CTCF or Its Binding Site./
Cui, Hengmi
Williams and Wilkins
205 |
Advances in Brief - Lung Tumor KRAS and TP53 Mutations in Nonsmokers Reflect Exposure to PAH-Rich Coal Combustion Emissions./
DeMarini, David M
Williams and Wilkins
206 |
Advances in Brief - LYVE-1 Is Not Restricted to the Lymph Vessels: Expression in Normal Liver Blood Sinusoids and Down-Regulation in Human Liver Cancer and Cirrhosis./
Mouta Carreira, Carla
Williams and Wilkins
207 |
Advances in Brief - MAGE-A Gene Expression Pattern in Primary Breast Cancer./
Otte, Marcus
Williams and Wilkins
208 |
Advances in Brief - Malignant Potential and Cytogenetic Characteristics of Occult Disseminated Tumor Cells in Esophageal Cancer./
Hosch, Stefan
Williams and Wilkins
209 |
Advances in Brief - Matrilysin-2, a New Matrix Metalloproteinase Expressed in Human Tumors and Showing the Minimal Domain Organization Required for Secretion, Latency, and Activity/
Ur�, Jos� A
Williams and Wilkins
210 |
Advances in Brief - Measurement of DNA Copy Number at Microsatellite Loci Using Quantitative PCR Analysis./
Ginzinger, David G
Williams and Wilkins
211 |
Advances in Brief - Micropthalmia Transcription Factor: A New Prognostic Marker in Intermediate-thickness Cutaneous Malignant Melanoma/
Salti, George I
Williams and Wilkins
212 |
Advances in Brief - Midkine Promoter-based Adenoviral Vector Gene Delivery for Pediatric Solid Tumors/
Adachi, Yasuo
Williams and Wilkins
213 |
Advances in Brief - Mining the Melanosome for Tumor Vaccine Targets: P.polypeptide Is a Novel Tumor-associated Antigen./
Touloukian, Christopher E
Williams and Wilkins
214 |
Advances in Brief - Mitomycin C Resistance Induced by TCF-3 Overexpression in Gastric Cancer Cell Line MKN28 Is Associated with DT-diaphorase Down-Regulation./
Sagara, Norihiko
Williams and Wilkins
215 |
Advances in Brief - Modest Increased Sensitivity to Radiation Oncogenesis in ATM Heterozygous versus Wild-Type Mammalian Cells./
Smilenov, Lubomir B
Williams and Wilkins
216 |
Advances in Brief - Modulation of the Immune Response by Systemic Targeting of Antigens to Lymph Nodes./
Trepel, Martin
Williams and Wilkins
217 |
Advances in Brief - Molecular Classification of Estrogens./
Craig Jordan, V
Williams and Wilkins
218 |
Advances in Brief - Molecular Classification of Human Carcinomas by Use of Gene Expression Signatures./
Su, Andrew I
Williams and Wilkins
219 |
Advances in Brief - Molecular Prognostication of Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma by Quantitative Analysis of Circulating Epstein-Barr Virus DNA./
Lo, Y M Dennis
Williams and Wilkins
220 |
Advances in Brief - Monitoring Response to Convection-enhanced Taxol Delivery in Brain Tumor Patients Using Diffusion-weighted Magnetic Resonance Imaging./
Mardor, Yael
Williams and Wilkins