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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
21 저널기사 Aerobic sulphur reduction in gram positive bacteria and yeasts as a cause of thiosulphate production from elemental sulphur / 미리보기
D.Yu., Sorokin s.n.] 1993
22 저널기사 affectionof wood destructor fungi on lignocarbohydrate complex of wood pulp birch under different measure pH / 미리보기
I.A., Reshetnikova s.n.] 1994
23 저널기사 Alkaliphilic Cyanobacteria from Tuva Soda Lakes and Their Ecophysiology / 미리보기
Gerasimenko, L. M s.n.] 1996
24 저널기사 Alkaloid production by Penicillium fungi in the process of their mixed cultivation / 미리보기
T.A., Reshetilova s.n.] 1994
25 저널기사 Alkaloid production by Penicillium palitans Westling under submerged and surface cultivation / 미리보기
T.A., Reshetilova s.n.] 1994
26 저널기사 Alkaloids from the Fungus penicillium aurantio-virens Biourge and Some Aspects of Their Formation / 미리보기
Solov'eva, T. F s.n.] 1995
27 저널기사 Ammonium assimilation in phototrophic bacteria of genus Ectothiorhodospira / 미리보기
E.-A.A., Khatipov s.n.] 1993
28 저널기사 Analysis of microbial community from water-flooded oil field by chromato-mass-spectrometry / 미리보기
G.A., Osipov s.n.] 1994
29 저널기사 Analysis of phagiresistance among pseudomonads/ 미리보기
Romashko, A.M s.n.] 1992
30 저널기사 An anaerbic thermophilic bacterium isolated from an industrial associstion/ 미리보기
Zakharova, E.V s.n.] 1992
31 저널기사 An Assessment of the Impact of Counterfeiting in International Markets: The Piracy Paradox Persists 미리보기
Chaudhry, P. E. s.n.] 1996
32 저널기사 A. New Facultative Methylotroph Utilizing Dichloromethane / 미리보기
Doronina, N. V s.n.] 1996
33 저널기사 Antarctic microbiology. E. Imre Friedmann (ed), 1993 / 미리보기
G.A., Zavarzin s.n.] 1994
34 저널기사 Anthropogenic Stimulation of Bacterial Activity in the bottom Sediments of Lake Baikal / 미리보기
Namsaraev, B. B s.n.] 1995
35 저널기사 Antimutagenic Action of Bacteria on Mutagenesis induced by 4-Nitroquinoline-1-Oxide in Salmonella typhimurium / 미리보기
Vorob'eva, L. I s.n.] 1995
36 저널기사 Antimutagenic Activity of the Enzyme Preparation "Binase" in Microbial Test Systems / 미리보기
Ivanchenko, O. B s.n.] 1995
37 저널기사 Antimutagenic effect of cultured liquid received es the result of propionic acid fermentation / 미리보기
L.I., Vorobjeva s.n.] 1993
38 저널기사 Antimutagenicity of propionic acid bacteria / 미리보기
Vorobjeva, L.I s.n.] 1991
39 저널기사 Aplasmid from Desulfovibrio desulfuricans / 미리보기
Tarasova, N.B s.n.] 1992
40 저널기사 Appearence of dissociatns in colonies of Rhodococcus / 미리보기
E.s., Milko s.n.] 1993
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