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101 저널기사 AGARWAL (J.P), GUBITZ (A.) and NUNNENKAMP (P.). Foreign Direct Investment in Developing Countries : The Case of Germany 미리보기
Robert Read;; unknown 1993
102 저널기사 Age and Gender Differences in Perceived Accident Likelihood and Driver Competences 미리보기
Glendon, A. I. unknown 1996
103 저널기사 Agency Costs in Dynamic Economic Models 미리보기
104 저널기사 Agenor, Pierre-Richard and Peter J. Montiel (1996). Development Macroeconomics 미리보기
Schelkle, W. unknown 1997
105 저널기사 Agenor, Pierre-Richard, Marcus Miller, David Vines, and Axel Weber (eds.), The Asian Financial Crisis. Causes, Contagion and Consequences 미리보기
Fratzscher, M. unknown 2000
106 저널기사 Aggarwal, editor, Capital Budgeting Under Uncertainty 미리보기
SUSAN S. HAMLEN;; unknown 1993
107 저널기사 Agglomeration and Economic Development: Import Substitution vs. Trade Liberalisation 미리보기
D. PUGA;A. J. VENABLES; unknown 1999
108 저널기사 Agglomeration Economies and a Test for Optimal City Sizes in Japan 미리보기
Kanemoto, Y. unknown 1996
109 저널기사 Aggregate Consumption and the distribution of Income in the United Kingdom : An Econometric Analysis 미리보기
V. K. BOROOAH d. R. SHARPE;; unknown 1986
110 저널기사 Aggregate Demand, Rational Expectations and Real Output : Some New Evidence for the U.K. 1963:2-1983:2 미리보기
D.Demery;; unknown 1984
111 저널기사 Aggregate Employment and Intertemporal Substitution in the UK 미리보기
Alogoskoufis, G. S.;; unknown 1987
112 저널기사 Aggregate Homothetic Separability 미리보기
Robert G. Chambers;; unknown 1997
113 저널기사 Aggregate Homothetic Separability 미리보기
Chambers, R. G. unknown 1997
114 저널기사 Aggregate Pattern of Time-dependent Adjustment Rules, I: A Game-theoretic Analysis of Staggered Versus Synchronised Wage Setting 미리보기
Lau, S.-H. P. unknown 1996
115 저널기사 Aggregate Pattern of Time-dependent Index of Productivity: A Non-parametric Dual Analysis of US Airlines Data 미리보기
S-H. P. LAU;; unknown 1996
116 저널기사 Aggregate Supply in Interwar Britain 미리보기
S. N. BROADBERRY;; unknown 1986
117 저널기사 Aggregation and the Estimated Effects of School Resources 미리보기
Hanushek, E. A. unknown 1996
118 저널기사 Aggregation Method in Group AHP based on the Evaluated Values by Normalized DEA Technique 미리보기
Obata, T.; Ishii, H. unknown 2006
119 저널기사 Aggregation, Specification and Measurement Errors in product Costing 미리보기
120 저널기사 Agrichemical Application Amount Programming Problem Designed for Reducing Residual Pesticides 미리보기
Itoh, T.; Ishii, H. unknown 2005
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