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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
281 연속간행물 The American historical review. 미리보기
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Jameson, J. Franklin Bourne, Henry Eldridge Schuyler, Robert Livingston American Historical Association [etc.] 1895-
282 연속간행물 American illustration 미리보기
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Booth-Clibborn, Edward Abrams 1983-1987
283 연속간행물 American illustration showcase 미리보기
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American Showcase 19--
284 연속간행물 American journal 미리보기
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United States Information Service (Philippines) United States Information Service Co. 1961-
285 연속간행물 American journal of botany 미리보기
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Botanical Society of America Brooklyn Botanic Garden Botanical Society of America] 1914-
286 연속간행물 American journal of business 미리보기
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Ball State University Mid-American Journal of Business 2007- URL
287 연속간행물 The American journal of clinical nutrition 미리보기
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American Society for Clinical Nutrition Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Inc. 1954-
288 연속간행물 American journal of education. 미리보기
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University of Chicago Dept. of Education University of Chicago Press 1979-
289 연속간행물 American journal of enology and viticulture 미리보기
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American Society of Enologists American Society of Enologists 1959-
290 연속간행물 American journal of hospital pharmacy 미리보기
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American Society of Hospital Pharmacists American Society of Hospital Pharmacists 1958-1994
291 연속간행물 American journal of obstetrics and gynecology 미리보기
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American Gynecological Society C.V. Mosby Co., 1920-
292 연속간행물 American journal of physics 미리보기
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American Association of Physics Teachers American Institute of Physics Published for the American Association of Physics Teachers by the American Institute of Physics] 1940-
293 연속간행물 American journal of physiology 미리보기
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American Physiological Society (1887- ) American Physiological Society (1887- ) American Physiological Society (1887- ) American Physiological Society [etc.] 1898-
294 연속간행물 American journal of public health:JPH 미리보기
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American Public Health Association American Public Health Association 1971-
295 연속간행물 The American journal of sociology 미리보기
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Small, Albion Woodbury Faris, Ellsworth Burgess, Ernest Watson Blumer, Herbert Hughes, Everett Cherrington University of Chicago Press 1895-
296 연속간행물 American journal of veterinary research 미리보기
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American Veterinary Medical Association American Veterinary Medical Association 1940-
297 연속간행물 American library directory:a classified list of libraries in the United States and Canada, with personnel and statistical data 미리보기
중앙도서관 대출가능 열기
Cattell, Jaques R.R. Bowker 1923-
298 연속간행물 American literary scholarship 미리보기
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Robbins, J. Albert Duke University Press 1963-
299 연속간행물 American literature:a journal of literary history, criticism and bibliography 미리보기
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Hubbell, Jay B Gohdes, Clarence Louis Frank Duke University Press 1929-
300 연속간행물 American lobbyists directory 미리보기
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Gale Research 1990-
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