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361 연속간행물 Annual book of ASTM standards.Section 09,Rubber 미리보기
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American Society for Testing and Materials ASTM. 19--
362 연속간행물 Annual book of ASTM standards.Section 10,Electrical insulation and electronics 미리보기
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American Society for Testing and Materials ASTM. 19--
363 연속간행물 Annual book of ASTM standards.Section 11,Water and environmental technology 미리보기
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American Society for Testing and Materials ASTM. 19--
364 연속간행물 Annual book of ASTM standards.Section 12,Nuclear, solar, and geothermal energy 미리보기
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American Society for Testing and Materials ASTM. 19--
365 연속간행물 Annual book of ASTM standards.Section 13,Medical devices 미리보기
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American Society for Testing and Materials ASTM 1983-
366 연속간행물 Annual book of ASTM standards.Section 14,General methods and instrumentation 미리보기
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American Society for Testing and Materials ASTM. 19--
367 연속간행물 Annual book of ASTM standards.Section 15,General products, chemical specialties, and end use products 미리보기
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American Society for Testing and Materials ASTM. 19--
368 연속간행물 Annual emergency department data:data from the Drug Abuse Warning Network 미리보기
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Drug Abuse Warning Network United States Substance Abuse and Mental Health Servcies Administration. Office of Applied Studies U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration 1993-
369 연속간행물 Annual index of the reports on plant chemistry 미리보기
중앙도서관 대출가능 열기
Kariyone, Tatsuo Hirokawa Pub. Co. 1961-
370 연속간행물 Annual index to motion picture credits 미리보기
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Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences Greenwood Press 1978-
371 연속간행물 Annual of AD productions in Japan 日本アドプロダクシヨン年鑑 미리보기
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일본アドプロダクシヨン연감 六耀社 19---
372 연속간행물 Annual oil market report 미리보기
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International Energy Agency Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development 19--
373 연속간행물 Annual progress in child psychiatry and child development 미리보기
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Chess, Stella Thomas, Alexander Brunner/Mazel 1968-
374 연속간행물 Annual Report 미리보기
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Financial Supervisory Service Financial Supervisory Service 1999
375 연속간행물 Annual Report 미리보기
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Bank of Korea The Bank of Korea 1950-
376 연속간행물 Annual report 미리보기
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한국선급 Korean Register of Shipping 1998-
377 연속간행물 Annual report 미리보기
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The International Rice Research Insitute The Institute 1962-1988
378 연속간행물 Annual report 미리보기
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Industrial Bank of Korea Industrial Bank of Korea 19--
379 연속간행물 Annual report 미리보기
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Asian-Pacific Center Asian-Pacific Center 1992-
380 연속간행물 Annual report 미리보기
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International GPS Service for Geodynamics IGS Central Bureau: Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Californial Institute of Technology 1994-
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