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181 단행본 Advanced criminal litigation in practice 미리보기
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Inns of Court School of Law Oxford University Press 2006
182 단행본 Advanced criminal litigation in practice 미리보기
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City Law School Oxford University Press 2008
183 단행본 Advanced criminal litigation in practice 미리보기
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edited by James Griffiths ; The City Law School Oxford University Press 2010
184 단행본 Advanced criminal procedure:cases, comments, and questions 미리보기
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by Yale Kamisar ... [et al.] Thomson/West 2005
185 단행본 Advanced criminal procedure in a nutshell 미리보기
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by Mark E. Cammack, Norman M. Garland Thomson/West 2006
186 단행본 Advanced introduction to contract law and theory 미리보기
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Brian H. Bix Edward Elgar Publishing 2023
187 단행본 Advanced introduction to space law 미리보기
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Frans G. von der Dunk Edward Elgar 2020
188 단행본 Advanced legal writing and oral advocacy:trials, appeals, and moot court 미리보기
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Michael D. Murray and Christy Hallam DeSanctis Thomson Reuters/Foundation Press 2009
189 단행본 Advanced systems development management 미리보기
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John de S. Coutinho Wiley 1977
190 단행본 The advancement of international law 미리보기
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Charles Leben Hart Pub. 2010
191 단행본 Advancing the human right to health 미리보기
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edited by José M. Zuniga, Stephen P. Marks, Lawrence O. Gostin Oxford University Press 2013
192 단행본 Adventures in criminal justice research:data analysis for Windows using SPSS versions 11.0, 11.5, or higher 미리보기
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George W. Dowdall ... [et al.] Sage Publications 2004
193 단행본 Adversarial justice:America's court system on trial 미리보기
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Theodore L. Kubicek Algora Pub. 2006
194 단행본 Adversarial legal writing and oral argument 미리보기
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Michael D. Murray and Christy Hallam DeSanctis Foundation Press 2006
195 단행본 Adverse events, stress, and litigation:a physician's guide 미리보기
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Sara C. Charles, Paul R. Frisch ; illustrations by Ronald Bailey Oxford University Press 2005
196 단행본 Advertising 미리보기
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[by] Maurice I. Mandell Prentice-Hall 1974
197 단행본 Advertising fundamentals 미리보기
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Philip Ward Burton, J. Robert Miller Grid, inc. 1976
198 단행본 Advertising law : a global legal perspective 미리보기
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Global Advertising Lawyers Alliance [CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform] 2015
199 단행본 Advising clients in mergers and acquisitions:leading lawyers on understanding recent legal developments, handling cross-border M&A deals, and navigating the current economic climate 미리보기
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Eric M. Fogel ...[et al] Aspatore 2011
200 단행본 Advocacy 미리보기
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The City Law School Oxford University Press 2007
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