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401 단행본 The American constitution 미리보기
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[by] C. Herman Pritchett McGraw-Hill 1959
402 단행본 American constitutional interpretation 미리보기
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by Walter F. Murphy ... [et al.] Foundation Press ; Thomson/West 2003
403 단행본 American constitutional interpretation 미리보기
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by Walter F. Murphy ... [et al.] Foundation Press ; Thomson/West 2008
404 단행본 American constitutional law 미리보기
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Otis H. Stephens, Jr., John M. Scheb, II Thomson/West 2003
405 단행본 American constitutional law 미리보기
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Otis H. Stephens, Jr., John M. Scheb, II West/Wadsworth 1999
406 단행본 American constitutional law 미리보기
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Louis Fisher, Katy J. Harriger Carolina Academic Press 2009
407 단행본 American constitutional law 미리보기
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Louis Fisher, Katy J. Harriger Carolina Academic Press 2011
408 단행본 American constitutional law 미리보기
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Louis Fisher, Katy J. Harriger Carolina Academic Press 2011
409 단행본 American constitutional law.2,Liberty, community, and the bill of Rights 미리보기
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Donald P. Kommers, John E. Finn, Gary J. Jacobsohn Rowman & Littlefield Publishers 2004
410 단행본 American constitutional law:civil rights and civil liberties.Vol.2,Constitutional rights 미리보기
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Louis Fisher Carolina Academic Press 2003
411 단행본 American constitutional law:essays, cases, and comparative notes 미리보기
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Donald P. Kommers, John E. Finn West/Wadsworth 1998
412 단행본 American constitutional law:introductory essays and selected cases 미리보기
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Alpheus Thomas Mason, Donald Grier Stephenson, Jr Prentice Hall 1996
413 단행본 American constitutional law:introductory essays and selected cases 미리보기
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Alpheus Thomas Mason, Donald Grier Stephenson, Jr Prentice Hall 2002
414 단행본 American constitutional law:powers and liberties 미리보기
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Calvin Massey Aspen Publishers 2005
415 단행본 American constitutional law:powers and liberties 미리보기
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Calvin Massey Wolters Kluwer Law & Business ; Aspen Publishers 2010
416 단행본 American constitutional law:separated powers and federalism.volume 1,Constitutional structures 미리보기
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Louis Fisher, Katy J. Harriger Carolina Academic Press 2009
417 단행본 American constitutional law:structure and reconstruction : cases, notes, and problems 미리보기
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by Charles A. Shanor Thomson/West 2003
418 단행본 American constitutional law. vol. 1, Constitutional structures, separated powers and federalism 미리보기
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Louis Fisher, Katy J. Harriger Carolina Academic Press, LLC 2019
419 단행본 The american constitutional order history, cases, and philosophy 미리보기
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Douglas W. Kmiec...[et al.] LexisNexis Matthew Bender 2006
420 단행본 The American constitutional order:history, cases, and philosophy 미리보기
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by Douglas W. Kmiec ... [et al.] LexisNexis 2004
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