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221 연속간행물 Hoteres 미리보기
オ-タパブリケイションズ 1966-
222 연속간행물 HR focus : American Management Association's human resources publication 미리보기
American Management Association The Association 1991-
223 연속간행물 Human resource development quarterly 미리보기
sponsored by the American Society for Training and Development Jossey-Bass 1990-
224 연속간행물 Human resource management 미리보기
University of Michigan University of Michigan Graduate School of Business Administration Bureau of Industrial Relations John Wiley [etc.] 1972-
225 연속간행물 Ia : Internal Auditors 미리보기
Institute of Internal Auditors Institute of Internal Auditors 1944-
226 연속간행물 Ifo Schnelldienst 미리보기
Ifo-Institut fu@r Wirtschaftsforschung Ifo-Institut fu@r Wirtschaftsforschung 1948- URL
227 연속간행물 IMF economic review 미리보기
International Monetary Fund Palgrave Macmillan 2010-
228 연속간행물 Incentive 미리보기
Bill Communications 1988-
229 연속간행물 The independent review 미리보기
Independent Institute (Oakland, Calif.) Independent Institute 1996-
230 연속간행물 Indicators of industrial activity : Indicateurs des activit?s industrielles 미리보기
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development 1979-
231 연속간행물 The Indonesian quarterly 미리보기
Centre for Strategic and International Studies Yayasan Proklamasi, Centre for Strategic and International Studies] 1972-
232 연속간행물 Industrial & labor relations review 미리보기
New York State School of Industrial and Labor Relations New York State School of Industrial and Labor Relations, Cornell University] 1947-
233 연속간행물 Industrielle Beziehungen 미리보기
Rainer Hampp Verlag 1994-
234 연속간행물 Industry week 미리보기
Penton/IPC 1970-
235 연속간행물 Information resources management journal 미리보기
Information Resources Management Association IGI GLOBAL 1988-
236 연속간행물 Information systems management 미리보기
Auerbach 1991-
237 연속간행물 INFORMS journal on applied analytics 미리보기
Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences 2019- URL
238 연속간행물 Innovation:management, policy & practice 미리보기
eContent Management Pty Ltd. 1998-
239 연속간행물 The Institutional investor 미리보기
Institutional Investor Institutional Investor, etc. 1967-
240 연속간행물 Internasjonal Politikk 미리보기
Norsk utenrikspolitisk institutt Universitetsforlaget 1947-
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