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서명 저자 출판사 출판년 수록
701 연속간행물 Theoretical economics 미리보기
Society for Economic Theory Econometric Society Society for Economic Theory 2006-
702 연속간행물 Third world quarterly 미리보기
Third World Foundation (Great Britain) Third World Foundation for Social and Economic Studies] 1979-
703 연속간행물 (NIKKEI) TOP LEADER 미리보기
日經BP社 1985-
704 연속간행물 Tourism analysis 미리보기
Cognizant Communication Corporation Cognizant Communication Corp. 1996-
705 연속간행물 Training : The source for professional development 미리보기
Gellert Pub. Corp. 1974-
706 연속간행물 Transportation journal 미리보기
American Society of Traffic and Transportation Pennsylvania State University Press 1961-
707 연속간행물 Transportation science 미리보기
Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences Transportation Science & Logistics Society of INFORMS. 1967-
708 연속간행물 Transport reviews 미리보기
Taylor & Francis 1981-
709 연속간행물 Travail et emploi 미리보기
France France France France France Ministère des affaires sociales et de la solidarité nationale Service des études et de la statistique Minis La Documentation française 1979-
710 연속간행물 Trends and policies in privatisation 미리보기
Centre for Co-operation with European Economies in Transition = Tendances et politiques des privatisations / Centre pour la coope>ration avec les e> Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development 1993-
711 연속간행물 Triple A 미리보기
BRW Publications Group 1985-1989
712 연속간행물 University of Cincinnati law review 미리보기
Morrison, Alfred A. Board of Editors, etc.]. 1927- URL
713 연속간행물 Urban geography 미리보기
V.H. Winston 1980- URL
714 연속간행물 Voprosy ekonomiki 미리보기
Akademiia nauk SSSR, Institut ekonomiki Izd-vo "Pravda" 1948-
715 연속간행물 Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv 미리보기
Universita@t Kiel Institut fu@r Weltwirtschaft J.C.B.Mohr 1913-
716 연속간행물 West European politics 미리보기
F. Cass. 1978-
717 연속간행물 World affairs 미리보기
American Peace Society American Peace Society 1932-
718 연속간행물 World economics 미리보기
NTC Economic & Financial Publ. 2000-
719 연속간행물 World politics 미리보기
Fox, William T. R. Johns Hopkins University Press, etc.] 1948-
720 연속간행물 The World today 미리보기
Royal Institute of International Affairs. Royal Institute of International Affairs. Information Dept Royal Institute of International Affairs 1945-
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