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81 연속간행물 Business review 미리보기
Erwin Coleman, inc. [19--]-1984
82 연속간행물 Business strategy and the environment 미리보기
European Research Press 1992-
83 연속간행물 Business traveler international 미리보기
Perry Publications 1988-
84 연속간행물 Business week 미리보기
McGraw-Hill 19--
85 연속간행물 Cahiers d'économie politique 미리보기
L'Harmattan 1974-
86 연속간행물 Cahiers du monde russe 미리보기
École des hautes études en sciences sociales École des hautes études en sciences sociales. École des hautes études en sciences sociales. Centre d'études sur la Russie,l'Europe orientale et le domaine turc.; École des hautes études en sciences sociales 1994- URL
87 연속간행물 California management review 미리보기
University of California, Berkeley. University of California, Los Angeles. University of California, Los Angeles. University of California, Irvine. Graduate Schools of Business Administration, University of California 1958-
88 연속간행물 Cambridge journal of economics 미리보기
Cambridge Political Economy Society published for the Cambridge Political Economy Society by Academic Press 1977-
89 연속간행물 Canadian journal of administrative sciences= Revue canadienne des sciences de l'administration 미리보기
Administrative Sciences Association of Canada Wiley Blackwell 1988-
90 연속간행물 Canadian journal of political science : Revue canadienne de science politique 미리보기
Canadian Political Science Association. Soci?t? canadienne de science politique. Soci?t? qu?b?coise de science politique University of Toronto Press. 1968- URL
91 연속간행물 Canadian public policy : Analyse de politiques 미리보기
University of Toronto Press 1975-
92 연속간행물 Capital & class 미리보기
Conference of Socialist Economists Conference of Socialist Economists 1977-
93 연속간행물 Catholic University law review 미리보기
Catholic University of America. Columbus School of Law. School of Law Catholic University of America Press 1975- URL
94 연속간행물 CEPAL review 미리보기
United Nations United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean United Nations, Economic Commission for Latin America 1976- URL
95 연속간행물 Charter 미리보기
Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia 1990-
96 연속간행물 The China business review 미리보기
National Council for United States-China Trade US-China Business Council US-China Business Council] 1977-
97 연속간행물 The China quarterly 미리보기
University of London. Congress for Cultural Freedom. Contemporary China Institute Contemporary China Institute of the School of Oriental and African Studies, London University, etc.] 1960-
98 연속간행물 The Chinese economy 미리보기
M.E. Sharpe 1998-
99 연속간행물 UN chronicle 미리보기
United Nations Dept. of Public Information United Nations Office of Public Information 1975-
100 연속간행물 CIO 미리보기
CIO Pub 1987-
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