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서명 저자 출판사 출판년 수록
341 전자저널 International Journal of Law and Information Technology 미리보기
Oxford University Press 1993 URL
342 전자저널 International Journal of Law in the Built Environment 미리보기
Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2009 URL
343 전자저널 International Journal of Law, Policy and the Family 미리보기
Oxford University Press 1987 URL
344 전자저널 International Journal of Lean Six Sigma 미리보기
Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2010 URL
345 전자저널 International Journal of Logistics Economics and Globalisation 미리보기
Inderscience Publishers 2007 URL
346 전자저널 International Journal of Management and Enterprise Development 미리보기
Inderscience Publishers 2003 URL
347 전자저널 International Journal of Management and Network Economics 미리보기
Inderscience Publishers 2009 URL
348 전자저널 International Journal of Managerial and Financial Accounting 미리보기
Inderscience Publishers 2008 URL
349 전자저널 International Journal of Managerial Finance 미리보기
Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2005 URL
350 전자저널 International Journal of Manpower 미리보기
Emerald Group Publishing Limited 1980 URL
351 전자저널 International Journal of Mentoring and Coaching in Education 미리보기
Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2012 URL
352 전자저널 International Journal of Migration Health and Social Care 미리보기
Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2017 URL
353 전자저널 International Journal of Monetary Economics and Finance 미리보기
Inderscience Publishers 2007 URL
354 전자저널 International Journal of Museum Management and Curatorship 미리보기
Elsevier 1982 URL
355 전자저널 International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat & Fluid Flow 미리보기
Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2017 URL
356 전자저널 International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat & Fluid Flow 미리보기
Emerald Group Publishing Limited 1991 URL
357 전자저널 International Journal of Operations & Production Management 미리보기
Emerald Group Publishing Limited 1980 URL
358 전자저널 International Journal of Organizational Analysis 미리보기
Emerald Group Publishing Limited 1993 URL
359 전자저널 International Journal of Pervasive Computing and Communications 미리보기
Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2005 URL
360 전자저널 International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management 미리보기
Emerald Group Publishing Limited 1971 URL
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