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261 연속간행물 Japanese journal of political science 미리보기
World Trade Organization. Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 2000-
262 연속간행물 JMR, Journal of marketing research 미리보기
American Marketing Association American Marketing Association] 1964-
263 연속간행물 Journal for nature conservation 미리보기
European Centre for Nature Conservation Urban & Fischer 2002- URL
264 연속간행물 Journal of accountancy 미리보기
American Association of Public Accountants. American Institute of Certified Public Accountants American Institute of Certified Public Accountants [etc.] 1905-
265 연속간행물 Journal of accounting, auditing & finance 미리보기
Greenwood New York University Vincent C. Ross Institute of Accounting Research Greenwood, New York University 1977-
266 연속간행물 Journal of accounting literature 미리보기
University of Florida Society of Accounting Research Digest (U.S.) Accounting Research Center Published for the Accounting Research Center, University of Florida, by the Society of Accounting Research Digest 1982-
267 연속간행물 Journal of accounting research 미리보기
London School of Economics and Political Science University of Chicago Institute of Professional Accounting Institute of Professional Accounting, Graduate School of Business, University of Chicago : London School of Economics and Political Science, Univers 1963-
268 연속간행물 Journal of advertising 미리보기
American Academy of Advertising M.E. Sharpe 1972-
269 연속간행물 Journal of advertising research 미리보기
Advertising Research Foundation World Advertising Research Center Ltd. 1960-
270 연속간행물 Journal of agribusiness 미리보기
Agricultural Economics Association of Georgia University of Georgia Division of Agricultural Economics Agricultural Economics Association of Georgia and the Division of Agricultural Economics, University of Georgia 1983-
271 연속간행물 Journal of agricultural and resource economics 미리보기
Western Agricultural Economics Association Western Agricultural Economics Association 1992-
272 연속간행물 The journal of alternative investments 미리보기
Institutional Investor (Firm) Institutional Investor, Inc 1998-
273 연속간행물 Journal of applied economics 미리보기
Universidad del CEMA Universidad del CEMA 1998-
274 연속간행물 The Journal of Asian Studies 미리보기
Association for Asian Studies Far Eastern Association (U.S.) Association for Asian Studies, etc.] 1956-
275 연속간행물 Journal of asset management 미리보기
Henry Stewart Pub. 2000- URL
276 연속간행물 The Journal of Australian political economy 미리보기
Australian Political Economy Movement Australian Political Economy Movement. 1977-
277 연속간행물 Journal of biosocial science 미리보기
Galton Foundation (Great Britain). Biosocial Society of Great Britain Published for the Galton Foundation by Blackwell Scientific Publications 1969-
278 연속간행물 The journal of brand management : an international journal 미리보기
Henry Stewart Publications 1993-
279 연속간행물 The Journal of business 미리보기
the School of Business of the University of Chicago University of Chicago Press 1954-
280 연속간행물 Journal of business economics and management 미리보기
North-German Academy of Informatology (Stralsund) e. V 199-
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