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서명 저자 출판사 출판년 수록
341 연속간행물 Journal of organizational effectiveness : people and performance 미리보기
Emerald Group Publishing Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2014- URL
342 연속간행물 Journal of pension economics & finance 미리보기
Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 2002-
343 연속간행물 Journal of policy analysis and management : [the journal of the Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management] 미리보기
Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management (U.S.) Published by John Wiley & Sons for the Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management 1981-
344 연속간행물 Journal of policy history : JPH 미리보기
Cambridge University Press 1989-
345 연속간행물 The Journal of political economy 미리보기
Laughlin, J. Laurence Field, James Alfred University of Chicago Press 1892-
346 연속간행물 The Journal of politics 미리보기
Harris, Robert Jennings University of Texas Press in association with the Southern Political Science Association, [etc.] 1939-
347 연속간행물 The Journal of portfolio management 미리보기
Institutional Investor, Inc. 1974- URL
348 연속간행물 Journal of post Keynesian economics 미리보기
M.E. Sharpe, inc.] 1978-
349 연속간행물 The journal of private equity 미리보기
Institutional Investor (Firm) Institutional Investor 1997-
350 연속간행물 The Journal of product innovation management 미리보기
Product Development & Management Association North-Holland 1984-
351 연속간행물 Journal of public administration research and theory : J-PART 미리보기
Transaction Periodicals Consortium Oxford University Press 1991-
352 연속간행물 Journal of public economics 미리보기
North-Holland Pub. Co 1972-
353 연속간행물 Journal of public policy 미리보기
Cambridge University Press 1981- URL
354 연속간행물 Journal of public policy & marketing : JPP&M : an annual publication of the Division of Research, Graduate School of Business Administration, the University of Michigan 미리보기
American Marketing Association 1983-
355 연속간행물 Journal of real estate literature 미리보기
American Real Estate Society American Real Estate Society 1993-
356 연속간행물 Journal of retailing 미리보기
New York University New York University Institute of Retail Management School of Retailing New York University, Institute of Retail Management [etc.] 1925-
357 연속간행물 Journal of revenue and pricing management 미리보기
Henry Stewart Pub. 2002-
358 연속간행물 The journal of risk 미리보기
Incisive Media 2008-
359 연속간행물 Journal of rural cooperation 미리보기
International Research Centre on Rural Cooperative Communities International Research Centre on Rural Cooperative Communities 1973-
360 연속간행물 The Journal of services marketing 미리보기
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