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서명 저자 출판사 출판년 수록
561 연속간행물 Radiology management 미리보기
American Hospital Radiology Administrators American Hospital Radiology Administrators 1979-
562 연속간행물 Regional studies 미리보기
Regional Studies Association (London, England) Carfax Pub. Co. [etc.] 1967-
563 연속간행물 Relations industrielles = Industrial relations 미리보기
Industrial relations Dept.of Industrial Relations,Laval University 1945-
564 연속간행물 Research in organizational behavior 미리보기
Cummings, L. L. Staw, Barry M. JAI Press 1979-
565 연속간행물 Research in organizational change and development 미리보기
JAI Press 1987-
566 연속간행물 Research management 미리보기
Industrial Research Institute (New York, N.Y.) Industrial Research Institute 1958-1987
567 연속간행물 Research technology management : RTM 미리보기
Industrial Research Institute (New York, N.Y.) Industrial Research Institute 1988-
568 연속간행물 Response : misson critical 미리보기
Questex Media Group. [199-]-2018
569 연속간행물 Rethinking Marxism 미리보기
Association for Economic and Social Analysis Association for Economic and Social Analysis 1988-
570 연속간행물 The Review of economics and statistics 미리보기
Harvard University. Harvard Economic Society. Dept. of Economics Dept. of Economics, Harvard University 1948-
571 연속간행물 The Review of financial studies 미리보기
Society for Financial Studies Published by Oxford University Press for the Society for Financial Studies 1988-
572 연속간행물 The review of futures markets 미리보기
Chicago Board of Trade Chicago Board of Trade 1987-1994
573 연속간행물 Review of international affairs 미리보기
Savez novinara Jugoslavije Socijalisti?ki savez radnog naroda Jugoslavije Federation of Yugoslav Journalists 1950-
574 연속간행물 Review of International Business and Strategy 미리보기
Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2016-
575 연속간행물 Review of international studies : RIS 미리보기
British International Studies Association Cambridge University Press 1981-
576 연속간행물 Review of political economy 미리보기
E. Arnold 1989-
577 연속간행물 The Review of politics 미리보기
Gurian, Waldemar University of Notre Dame : Cambridge University Press. 1939- URL
578 연속간행물 Review of social economy 미리보기
Association for Social Economics Catholic Economic Association Catholic Economic Association Association for Social Economics 1942-
579 연속간행물 Review of world economics : Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv 미리보기
IfW Springer 2003- URL
580 연속간행물 Risk & insurance : the magazine for risk and reinsurance executives 미리보기
Axon Magazine Group 1990-
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