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101 연속간행물 Country report, Russia 미리보기
EIU, the Economist Intelligence Unit Economist Intelligence Unit 1993-
102 연속간행물 The CPA journal 미리보기
New York State Society of Certified Public Accountants New York State Society of Certified Public Accountants 1975-
103 연속간행물 Credit and capital markets 미리보기
Duncker & Humblot 2013-
104 연속간행물 Crime media culture : an international journal 미리보기
Sage Publications 2005-
105 연속간행물 Critical review of international social and political philosophy 미리보기
Frank Cass 1998-
106 연속간행물 Cross cultural & strategic management 미리보기
Emerald 2016- URL
107 연속간행물 Current history : A Journal of Contemporary World Affairs 미리보기
Events Pub. Co. 1941-
108 연속간행물 Current issues in tourism 미리보기
Channel View Books 1998- URL
109 연속간행물 Debatte : review of contemporary German affairs 미리보기
Berg Publishers : Carfax Pub. : Routledge/Taylor & Francis. 1993-
110 연속간행물 Decision analysis : a journal of the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences 미리보기
Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences 2004- URL
111 연속간행물 Democratization 미리보기
Frank Cass 1994-
112 연속간행물 Demokratizatsiya:the journal of post-soviet democratization 미리보기
113 연속간행물 Denver University law review 미리보기
Denver University Law Review Association University of Denver Sturm College of Law 1985- URL
114 연속간행물 Deutschland Archiv:Zeitschrift fur das vereinigte Deutschland 미리보기
W. BERTELSMANN VERLAG GMBH & CO. KG Gesamtheistellung Gutersloher Druckservice GmbH 1900-
115 연속간행물 Direction of trade statistics quarterly 미리보기
[prepared by Real Sector Division, IMF Statistics Dept.] International Monetary Fund 1994-2019
116 연속간행물 Directors & boards 미리보기
Information for Industry, Inc Information for Industry, inc.]. 1976-
117 연속간행물 Discussion paper 미리보기
Centre for Economic Policy Research The Centre 1984-
118 연속간행물 Dissent 미리보기
Foundation for the Study of independent social ideas, inc Foundation for the Study of independent social ideas, inc] 1954-
119 연속간행물 Documentary credit world 미리보기
Institute of International Banking Law & Practice Institute of International Banking Law & Practice 1997-
120 연속간행물 Duke environmental law & policy forum 미리보기
Duke University. School of Law Duke University School of Law 1991-
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