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서명 저자 출판사 출판년 수록
21 전자저널 Journal of African Economies 미리보기
Oxford University Press 1992 URL
22 전자저널 Journal of Church & State 미리보기
Oxford University Press 1959 URL
23 전자저널 Journal of Environmental Law 미리보기
Oxford University Press 1989 URL
24 전자저널 Journal of Law, Economics and Organisation, the 미리보기
Oxford University Press 1985 URL
25 전자저널 Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory 미리보기
Oxford University Press 1991 URL
26 연속간행물 Journal of public administration research and theory : J-PART 미리보기
Transaction Periodicals Consortium Oxford University Press 1991-
27 전자저널 Journals of Gerontology – Series B Psychological and Social Sciences 미리보기
Oxford University Press 1946 URL
28 전자저널 Medical Law Review 미리보기
Oxford University Press 1993 URL
29 전자저널 Oxford Economic Papers 미리보기
Oxford University Press 1938 URL
30 전자저널 Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 미리보기
Oxford University Press 1981 URL
31 전자저널 Oxford Review of Economic Policy 미리보기
Oxford University Press 1985 URL
32 연속간행물 The Pacific review 미리보기
Oxford University Press 1988-
33 전자저널 Parliamentary Affairs 미리보기
Oxford University Press 1947 URL
34 연속간행물 Public administration 미리보기
Royal Institute of Public Administration Institute of Public Administration (Great Britain) Oxford University Press 1926-
35 전자저널 Public Opinion Quarterly 미리보기
Oxford University Press 1936 URL
36 전자저널 Publius: The Journal of Federalism 미리보기
Oxford University Press 1971 URL
37 전자저널 Quarterly Journal of Economics 미리보기
Oxford University Press 1886 URL
38 전자저널 Review of Economic Studies 미리보기
Oxford University Press 1933 URL
39 전자저널 Social forces 미리보기
Oxford University Press 1922 URL
40 전자저널 Social Politics: International Studies in Gender, State & Society 미리보기
Oxford University Press 1994 URL
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