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서명 저자 출판사 출판년 수록
401 연속간행물 Justice quarterly : JQ 미리보기
Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences 1984-
402 연속간행물 Knowledge management research & practice : KMRP 미리보기
Operational Research Society (Great Britain) Palgrave Macmillan on behalf of the Operational Research Society 2003-
403 연속간행물 Kredit und Kapital 미리보기
Ehrlicher, Werner Lipfert, Helmut Duncker & Humblot 1968-2012
404 연속간행물 Kriminalistik : Unabhängige Zeitschrift für die kriminalistische Wissenschaft und Praxis 미리보기
Kriminalistik Verlag 1947-
405 연속간행물 Labour force statistics:Statistiques de la population active, Supplement trimestriel ? l'annuaire,Quarterly supplement to the yearbook. 미리보기
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development 1975-1982
406 연속간행물 Land economics 미리보기
University of Wisconsin. University of Wisconsin--Madison University of Wisconsin 1948-
407 연속간행물 Latin America monitor,Andean group 미리보기
Business Monitor International 1991-
408 연속간행물 L'Economie Politique 미리보기
Alternatives Economiques Alternatives Economiques 1999-
409 연속간행물 Local government studies 미리보기
University of Birmingham. Institute of Local Government Studies Frank Cass 1971-
410 연속간행물 Macroeconomic dynamics 미리보기
Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 1997-
411 연속간행물 Maghreb, Machrek 미리보기
France. Centre d'etude des relations internationales (France). France. Documentation francaise. Section monde arabe. Direction de la documentation La Documentation francaise [etc.] 1973-
412 연속간행물 Main economic indicators:Principaux indicateurs economiques 미리보기
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development 1962-
413 연속간행물 Management accounting 미리보기
National Association of Accountants National Association of Accountants] 1968-
414 연속간행물 Management accounting : journal of the Institute of Cost and Works Accountants 미리보기
Institute of Cost and Works Accountants (Great Britain). Institute of Cost and Management Accountants The Institute, 1965-
415 연속간행물 Management decision 미리보기
416 연속간행물 Management international review 미리보기
European Foundation for Management Development Betriebswirtschaftlicher Verlag 1966-
417 연속간행물 Management science 미리보기
Institute of Management Sciences. Institute of Management Sciences Institute of Management Sciences] 1954- URL
418 연속간행물 Manufacturing & service operations management : M&SOM 미리보기
Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences 1999-
419 연속간행물 Maritime economics & logistics 미리보기
Palgrave 2003- URL
420 연속간행물 Maritime policy and management 미리보기
Taylor & Francis 1976-
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