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541 연속간행물 Personnel 미리보기
Amacom Industrial Relations Association of America National Association of Employment Managers American Management Association Amacom-P 1919-1991
542 연속간행물 Personnel journal. 미리보기
Personnel Research Federation (U.S.) Published for the Personnel Research Federation by the Williams & Wilkins Co. 1927-
543 연속간행물 Perspectives on politics 미리보기
American Political Science Association Cambridge University Press for the American Political Science Association 2003-
544 연속간행물 The Petroleum newsletter 미리보기
Australia Bureau of Mineral Resources, Geology and Geophysics Bureau of Mineral Resources, Geology and Geophysics, Dept. of National Resources 1962-
545 연속간행물 Philippine political science journal 미리보기
Philippine Political Science Association Philippine Political Science Association 1974-
546 연속간행물 Place branding and public diplomacy 미리보기
Palgrave Macmillan 2007-
547 연속간행물 plan : tidsskrift for samfunnsplanlegging, byplan og regional utvikling 미리보기
Universitetsforlaget Universitetsforlaget 1994-
548 연속간행물 The PM net work 미리보기
Project Management Institute Project Management Institute 1987-
549 연속간행물 The Police chief 미리보기
International Association of Chiefs of Police International Association of Chiefs of Police 1953-
550 연속간행물 The Police journal 미리보기
[Barry Rose Law Periodicals, etc.]. 1928- URL
551 연속간행물 Policy and politics 미리보기
University of Bristol. School for Advanced Urban Studies Macmillan Journals 1972-
552 연속간행물 Policy review 미리보기
Hoover Institution, Stanford University] 1977-
553 연속간행물 Policy sciences 미리보기
Kluwer Academic Publishers, [etc.] 1970-
554 연속간행물 Policy studies 미리보기
Policy Studies Institute The Institute : Routledge. 1980-
555 연속간행물 Policy studies journal:the journal of the Policy Studies Organization 미리보기
Policy Studies Organization University of Illinois 1972-
556 연속간행물 Policy studies review 미리보기
Policy Studies Organization University of Kansas Morrison Institute for Public Policy Arizona State University Center for Public Affairs School of J Policy Studies Organization 1981-
557 연속간행물 Political science quarterly 미리보기
Academy of Political Science (U.S.) Columbia University Academy of Political Science in the City of New York Faculty of Political Science Academy of Political Science 1886-
558 연속간행물 Political theory 미리보기
Sage Publications 1973-
559 연속간행물 Politicka ekonomie 미리보기
Ekonomicky ustav CSAV. Vysoka skola ekonomicka v Praze Vysoka skola ekonomicka 1953-
560 연속간행물 Politics & gender 미리보기
American Political Science Association. Women and Politics Research Section Cambridge University Press for the Women and Politics Research Section of the American Political Science Association 2005-
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